
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hey There,

Today I'm going to talk to you about selling e-books on the internet since thats what I'm currently doing with my business. E-books are a great choice for a first time business, why you may ask? because its simple and its easy, Its simple because you can buy hundreds of thousands of e-books for chump change and sell them at a profit and why is it easy? Because theres no physical storage of goods, theres no sending out of packages and you can sell the same e-books over and over again without re-buying it, what a great business to start with and easy.

People always want to know once they have decided to sell e-books where should they sell them. In my mind I would defiantly start selling e-books on eBay and not a website created by you, well not to begin with anyway. Yes there are already established stores on eBay selling the same e-books as you but its the same with personal websites, but who cares about other sellers, you can sell just as many e-books as your competitors can, It all comes down to how you market your store outside of eBay that will make you money. eventually once you have established yourself on eBay as a reliable seller then you can get customers to gradually move to your website and have two sources of income win win.

One big key in selling e-books and doing well is to also have e-books that you have created yourself, yes you can make money selling other peoples content but you will make more money creating and selling e-books written by you, why is this? Because your content will be fresh and new and no one else will be selling it. A mixture of resalable e-books and your own written e-books is a big key to making big money in the e-book business do this and I can't see it failing. If you need to know more about writing e-books go to to learn more.

Finally when selling e-books over the internet it wont work unless you want it to work and thats the same with anything in life, if you don't want it to work then it wont work, so to get it to work you need to market and market and market till you can't market no more, be creative when marketing use the normal strategies like email lists and forum post etc, but also come up with new ways to get your business out there because if you don't market it wont work. Good luck to all in there ventures

In my next post I will tell you ways of delivering your e-books once you have sold them

Till Next Time

1 comment:

business opportunity said...

Wow! One of my friend is working online business with Ebay Strategies selling electronic items and e-books on internet. He says that for a new comer e-books are the best choice, because it is simple and easy. I recommend newcomers to apply this in order to do online business.

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