
Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hi All,

With eBays new policy of no digital download items in affect I have been looking for new ways and sites which offer the same sort of functions as eBay does. Last week I mentioned a site called wagglepop which looks and feels exactly the same as eBay, but unfortunately being from Australia I can't use there site at the moment to sell my products. Lucky for me I heard about another site which is completely free and allows anyone from anywhere to setup a store.

The name of this site is eCrater and they allow people to setup a store and sell there products completely free of charge. So I joined up the other day and have started selling on there, at the moment I have yet to sell anything but I am getting a lot of hits on each of my products I'm selling and thats a good sign because it shows people know about the site and are searching for digital products on there.

On the down side to eCrater if your selling digital products, you have no option for immediate download after your product is bought so you need to clearly explain that the item will be emailed or a link will be provided within a certain time frame, I would suggest 24hrs or less. Also eCrater only allows buy it now so there is no auction type listing.

On the plus side to eCrater it costs you nothing to setup so you can list to you heart contents without worrying about a big eBay bill at the end of the month. eCarter has lots of payment options and the main this is that people are actually buying from the site and visiting the site and thats good for sellers.

I will be giving you regular updates on how my eCrater store is going through out the year and of course if anyone else has used or using eCrater to buy and sell goods please post your comments to tells us about your experiences

Till Next Time

P.S. To find out more about eCrater goto

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I visited this website from linkreferral and site is well maintained. Cud u pls visit and give me some inputs how to improve the traffic.You are in my every day's visitors list now, Cud u pls visit my website too..

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