
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Digital Items No More On eBay

Hello All

Today I found out some pretty devastating news, after March 31st 2008 digital items can no longer be sold on eBay. That means no ebooks, software, lists of any kind or anything that is downloaded after purchase can be sold on eBay, you can use the classified ads option but what good is that at $9 a pop. Click the link below to read the new policy.

This new policy will be a big blow to eBay in my opinion, think of all the stores and sellers this will put out of business, people make a living out of selling digital items on eBay did they think of that? I sell digital items on eBay but I also sell other items as well but for others this is all they sell now its going to be taken away from them. What legal options can people take once this new policy comes into affect? Can eBay be sued by sellers over loss of business? I'm sure store owners and sellers of digital items will fight this policy and so they should.

eBay was a great site for someone who wanted to start a small online business for not much money selling digital items, now if you want to make a living off eBay you either need heaps of junk lying around the house or you need loads of money to buy bulk loads of stock to sell. Taking away digital items from eBay will only take sellers away from eBay and will be a massive blow to the site in the long run, with all the new changes eBay keeps making people will look away from selling on eBay and look else where. Eventually, hopefully a site similar to eBay will emerge and create competition, just look at Facebook vs Myspace.

For now the digital item age on eBay is over, people looking for digital items will have to go else where and there are plenty of places on the net to get your digital items fix. eBay in my opinion has done the wrong thing with this new policy and only time will tell if this road they have decided to go down will be for better or for worse

Till Next Time

P.S. If your looking for great digital items ebooks etc, head to

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